MVRHS is a proud member of the Cape and Islands League
Barnstable * Cape Cod Academy * Dennis Yarmouth * Falmouth * Falmouth Academy * Martha’s Vineyard * Monomoy * Nantucket * Nauset Regional * Rising Tide Charter School * Saint John Paul II * Sturgis East * Sturgis West
Cape & Islands Divisional Alignments
Quick Links
Athletics Handbook
Athletics Registration
Athletic Trainer’s Page
Calendar of Athletic Events
Athletic Schedules by Team
Fall Sports
Winter Sports
Spring Sports
Weight Room
The weight room can be reserved by coaches depending on availability. Check the weight room calendar (internal use only). Please contact Mark McCarthy to reserve.
Follow MVRHS Sports Action

MVRHS has a new sports scheduling platform, ArbiterLive. You can view the MVRHS sports calendar and individual team schedules on the Arbiter Live website or download the ArbiterSports Mobile App (iPhone and Android) to have schedules at your fingertips!
Island Cup Game at Fenway Park (11/26/2024)
Student Registration
All students will need to create a FamilyID account and complete the general school student registration demographics and medical information. All student-athletes will have had to complete both the school registration and sports registration prior to the first day of practice. School registration is now open, once you create your familyID log in pick school registration in the drop down on the top right of the page.
Winter Sports 2023-24 Registration is now open, please log in to FamilyID or create a FamilyID account and register for your fall sport, as well as, the student demographics page.
All winter sports begin on November 27, 2023.
Registration closes November 21, 2023 so register early. Late registration for all winter sports will be at 6:00 PM on November 27th. Don’t get shut out of the first day of practice, get registered….NOW!!! Don’t hesitate.
If you have difficulties registering you should call FamilyID to assist you at 781-205-2800 or support at
Current Sports Physical
If a student-athlete’s physical expires during the course of the season, and is not renewed, they will be deemed ineligible the date the physical expires. Physicals are good for 13 months from the date of the physical.
We have made a commitment as a school to promote good sportsmanship by student-athletes, coaches and spectators at all MVRHS athletic events. The behavior of our fans is a cornerstone of good sportsmanship. Please remember to treat the teams we host as our guests, as you would a guest in your own home. The following are our rules and expectations for ALL MVRHS athletic events:
- Be respectful to everyone in attendance. Remember that you are there to support student-athletes and enjoy the competition, not to intimidate or ridicule the other team, fans, or officials.
- Avoid criticism of game officials and sideline coaching which detracts from the performance of the student-athletes; understand that the officials are doing their best.
- The use of foul language is not acceptable. Those using foul language or inappropriate gestures of any kind will be asked to leave the game immediately.
- Calling out players’ names or numbers from opposing teams is not allowed.
- The only allowable signs are signs supporting Vineyard athletes or teams. Signs directed towards opponents will be confiscated.
- Cheering/chants for Vineyard teams and players is encouraged and can help motivate teams to succeed. Recognizing and show appreciation for outstanding play by either team is encouraged.
Cape and Islands League

Athletics Contacts

Mark McCarthy – Athletic Director
508-693-1033 ext.123

Tania Laslovich – Athletic Trainer
508-693-1033 ext.218
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