Announcements 2022-23
Miss an email? All MVRHS school-wide communications for the 2022-23 school year can be found on this page.

5 Days Remaining to Apply for Local Scholarships!
Greetings Class of 2024! Another reminder that the local scholarships (Sections 1 and 2) are due this Friday, March 15th! Click here to log on to your account and begin/complete your application. Refer to the Local Scholarship Booklet for details on all the scholarship process…

Weekly Announcements: May 29 – June 3
Greetings MVRHS Community, As the year winds down, I am feeling a deep sense of gratitude for our community partners. We had a wonderful job and career fair with lots of community involvement. Our seniors are presenting capstone…
Day of Dialogue & Climate Summit: May 25, 2023
On Thursday, May 25 from 7:40 am – 2:05 pm, MVRHS students will experience a student organized conference-style day held in conjunction with the 5th Annual Felix Neck Day Climate Summit, during which our students will learn more…

Weekly Announcements: May 15-21
Greetings MVRHS Community, This is the time of year when our students shine! Please enjoy one or more of the many year-end events celebrating student accomplishment. Hopefully, many of you caught the annual Minnesinger performance this weekend. It…

Unified Track Sectionals
Unified Track had a successful trip to sectionals on May 10th in Middleboro, MA. Kyra Wildanger, Quinn Littlefield, Becki DeOliveira, Connor McGrath and Alyssa Sylvia all gave tremendous efforts and won ribbons in their divisions! The team competed…

Weekly Announcements: May 8-14
Greetings MVRHS Community, I want to take a moment to thank the MVRHS parent community for all the support and appreciation they showed during our Staff Appreciation week. It was incredible! These are the things that remind us…

New Pilot Schedule
Dear MVRHS Community, In the interest of continuous growth and improvement in the best ways to meet the needs of our school community, the scheduling committee has met regularly since January. Based on the work of that committee,…

Weekly Announcements: May 1-7
Greetings MVRHS Community, Happy May! Please see below for this week’s announcements. ANNOUNCEMENTS Teacher Appreciation Week is Here!The PTSO will be providing a DESSERT buffet, on Thursday, May 4th for the staff at MVRHS. We are kindly asking…

Weekly Announcements: April 24-30
Greetings MVRHS Community! I hope you had a safe and restful break. I want to give a huge thank you to our teachers and staff. As we approach Teacher Appreciation week (see below), I can’t emphasize enough how…

Weekly Announcements: April 10-16
Greetings MVRHS Community! Please find this week’s announcements below. A reminder that school is closed next week for April vacation. We hope you have a safe and restful break! ANNOUNCEMENTS Garden Club Saved Seed Sale April 10-11Support the…

Weekly Announcements: April 3-9
Greetings MVRHS Community! Please find this week’s announcements below. ANNOUNCEMENTS WELCOME APRIL Morning Drop OffA reminder for parents/guardians who drop off students in the morning: please follow the designated traffic patterns. Drop off can either be at the…

Weekly Announcements: March 27-April 2
Greetings MVRHS Community! Spring sports have begun, and it is great to see students outside and enjoying the warm weather. This week we welcome Annah MacKenzie, who is stepping in for Ms. Goethals while she is on leave. …

MCAS Testing
Dear Parents/Guardians of current sophomores: The MCAS are around the corner. In order to receive a diploma and graduate from a Massachusetts public high school, all students must earn a passing score on the English (ELA), Math, and…

Weekly Announcements: March 20-26
Greetings MVRHS Community! Congratulations to the Performing Arts Department for pulling off a great concert last week. The Big Band had a wonderful performance at the end of the show. Kudos to all the musicians! This week, we…

Weekly Announcements: March 13-19
Greetings MVRHS Community! Spring seems in the air, even if a winter storm is on the way this week. I am not anticipating any school cancellations, but please be sure to opt in for text messages from the…

Weekly Announcements: March 6-12
Greetings MVRHS Community, We hope you had a safe and restful break! For those of you who were around, we hope you were able to catch some exciting MVRHS playoff games. Please continue to wish our student-athletes luck as…

Weekly Announcements: February 21-27
Greetings MVRHS Community! What a week for MVRHS students! We are celebrating lots of accomplishments on the stage, the playing field, the gym and in the academic realm. I hope that everyone was able to be part of at least…

Chicago: February 16-19, 2023!
MVRHS Performing Arts Department is proud to present Chicago: Teen Edition! A story of murder, greed, corruption – and lots of singing and dancing! Tickets are $5 for students/seniors, $10 general admission. The PAD has a fantastic show to warm…

Weekly Announcements: February 13-19, 2023
Greetings MVRHS Community! Please find announcements for this week below. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chicago: February 16-19!MVRHS Performing Arts Department is proud to present Chicago: Teen Edition! A story of murder, greed, corruption – and lots of singing and dancing! Tickets…

Signs of Suicide Curriculum
Dear MVRHS Parent / Guardian, MVRHS is committed to the ongoing promotion of mental health within our school community. During the first semester we completed our second year of Teen Mental Health First Aid (TMHFA) in all the…

Second Quarter and Midterm Grades
Dear Students and Families, Second quarter and Midterm exam grades will be released on February 8th at 3:00 pm. All grades will be visible on the PowerSchool app and the web based PowerSchoolprogram at that time. As always,…

Weekly Announcements: February 6 – 12, 2023
Greetings MVRHS Community! Please find announcements for this week below. ANNOUNCEMENTS MVRHS 2022 School Report Card Every year, each public school and school district in Massachusetts receives a report card. Just as your child’s report card shows how they…

2023 Scholastic Art Awards!
Congratulations to the following 18 MVRHS students for winning a total of 23 awards in the 2023 Scholastic Art Awards, in media including Ceramics, Photography, Digital Art, and “Expanded Projects” (a new category involving interactive and installation art). View…

Martha’s Vineyard “Dream Team” vs Harlem Triksterz February 10th!
MVRHS is excited to be partnering with the Boys & Girls Club to sponsor a family-fun event of showcase basketball on Friday, February 10th at 6:30 pm at MVRHS. Come support your local first responders, teachers, coaches, and…

MVRHS 2022 School Report Card
Our annual school report card includes assessment and accountability results, teacher qualifications, and other information related to district and school performance. Dear MVRHS Families: Every year, each public school and school district in Massachusetts receives a report card….

Weekly Announcements: January 23-29, 2023
Greetings MVRHS Community! Please find announcements for this week below. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mid Term ExamsMid-term exams take place this week – Monday, January 23rd through Friday, January 27th. Each of these days will be half days with students ONLY…

Weekly Announcements: January 17-22, 2023
Greetings MVRHS Community!Below you will find MVRHS announcements for this week. Mid Term ExamsOn Friday, January 20, 2nd quarter grades will be closing and all MVRHS students will be preparing for their Mid-Term Exams. Mid-term exams will take…

Midterm Assessments 2023
To All MVRHS Families: On Friday, January 20, 2nd quarter grades will be closing and all MVRHS students will be preparing for their Mid-Term Exams. Mid-term exams will take place from Monday, January 23, 2023 through Friday, January 27,…

Weekly Announcements: January 9-15, 2023
Greetings MVRHS Community! Please find announcements for this week below. Half Day and HolidayWednesday, January 11th is a Professional Development day for staff and a half day for students with an 11 am dismissal time. Click here for…

Attention Juniors and Seniors: Seal of Biliteracy / Atenção Juniores e Seniors: Selo de Biliteracia
Attention all juniors and seniors! Do you speak a language other than English at home? Are you interested in earning the Seal of Biliteracy? We might be able to help! In order to earn the Seal of Biliteracy…

Weekly Announcements: January 3-8, 2023
Greetings MVRHS Community, Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a happy, healthy and restful holiday break! Below you will find MVRHS announcements for this week. Yik Yak StatementIt has been brought to the attention of MVRHS administration…

Weekly Announcements: December 19-25, 2022
Greetings MVRHS Community,Below you will find MVRHS announcements for this week. Best wishes for a happy, healthy and restful holiday break! All That JazzCongratulations to the Performing Arts Department on an amazing Winter Jazz Fest on Friday night!Holiday…

Weekly Announcements: December 12 – 18, 2022
The MVRHS community is deeply saddened by the loss of Riley Ignacio-Cameron, a 2020 graduate of MVRHS. Riley was a beloved friend and student who will be sorely missed. We are grieving for the young lives lost and…

Important Message from School Nurse
Dear MVRHS Families, In case you were unaware, there has been a recent marked increase of influenza and RSV cases on the island and across the Commonwealth. If your child has cold or flu symptoms please initially test…

Weekly Announcements: December 5 – 11, 2022
Updated December 7th 9:55 am Greetings MVRHS Community! Please find updates for this week below including a number of upcoming events to be aware of. Thanks! Congratulations to the Performing Arts Department on their amazing winter concert Thursday…

National Honor Society Induction Ceremony Rescheduled
A reception and ceremony for the National Honor Society Inductees has been rescheduled to Thursday, December 22nd in the PAC at MVRHS. A reception will begin at 6pm followed by a ceremony at 6:30 pm. Congratulations to the…

Weekly Announcements: November 28 – December 3, 2022
We hope you all had a healthy, happy, and restful Thanksgiving break! Below you will find MVRHS updates for this week. Student Drop OffAs a reminder, please use the PAC parking lot and the gym parking lot for student…

SWEAR Assembly
Dear Parents/Guardians, On the week of December 5th, 2022 your student will be invited to attend an assembly sponsored by the MVRHS chapter of SWEAR (Stand With Everyone Against Rape). SWEAR is a rape and sexual assault prevention…

Weekly Announcements: November 21-27, 2022
We will have school Monday, November 21st. It will be a regular school day with regular routines for students. We will not conduct outdoor activities, however we will have after school activities as scheduled. We will have a…

School Tomorrow: Letter from Superintendent
Dear MVRHS Community, Please find letter from Superintendent below. Thank you. — Dear Parents/Caregivers, I want to say thank you to all of our parents for your tremendous support today. Events such as today’s are very rare for our…

Important Announcement
Dear MVRHS Community, There has been an incident in the Town of Tisbury. Out of an abundance of caution, we have been requested to shelter in place. The school day will run as normal, but there will be…

Congrats to National Honor Society Inductees
Congratulations to the new inductees of the National Honor Society! A reception and ceremony will be on December 14th at 6:00 PM in the PAC. Inductees SeniorsGabriella DeBlaseTrevor GullottaRyan HardingMaggie BestAnna DuarteAubrey HolmesTeagan MyersIanna OliveiraVivian Peak JuniorsSofia BalsasCaroline…

Weekly Announcements: November 14-20, 2022
Morning Drop OffA reminder for parents/guardians who drop off students in the morning: please follow the designated traffic patterns. Drop off can either be at the gym doors (off Sanderson Road) or the PAC parking lot for entry…

Weekly Announcements: November 7-11, 2022
This Week’s Schedule: Parent Teacher Conferences ScheduleBell/Block Schedule Mon, Nov 7thHalf Day11:00 AM Dismissal Parent Teacher Conferences4:30 – 8:00 PM Tues, Nov 8thHalf Day11:00 AM DismissalParent Teacher Conferences12:00 – 3:00 PMWed, Nov 9th Half Day11:00 AM DismissalParent Teacher Conferences4:30 – 8:00…

Winter Sports Registration Open
Dear MVRHS Families, Registration for Winter Sports is officially open. Any student-athlete who wishes to participate in a winter sport (hockey, basketball, indoor track, or swimming) MUST register on FamilyID Sports Registration. Early registration is currently open and…

Homecoming this Saturday!
Dear MVRHS Community, We look forward to offering our students, staff, alumni and MVRHS community a fun and safe Homecoming celebration! Below you will find a schedule for our homecoming games and important information on the homecoming dance. …

Have MVRHS Sports Photos?
Dear MVRHS Community, The Student Leadership class at MVRHS is working on putting up new photos in the gym entryway. They would like photos from all teams, including current fall sports, and spring and winter sports from last year. They…

Seniors and Open Campus
Dear Senior Parents/Guardians, Effective immediately, any senior who has an Open Campus on their schedule and is given permission by a parent/guardian, is offered the following senior privilege: Seniors who have open campus scheduled first period are excused for late arrival – as long…

Practicing Good Sportsmanship
Dear MVRHS Community, We have made a commitment as a school to promote good sportsmanship by student-athletes, coaches and spectators at all MVRHS athletic events. The behavior of our fans is a cornerstone of good sportsmanship. The following are…

Teen Truth Assembly for Sophomores
Dear Parents/Guardians of Sophomores Students, On October 21, 2022 MVRHS will be presenting TEEN TRUTH to the MVRHS sophomore class – an interactive, multimedia presentation that incorporates motivational speeches with award-winning student-shot video content. TEEN TRUTH was created to give…

Back to School Night – Important Reminders!
Back to School Night Thursday, October 13, 2022 | 6:00 PMMVRHS Performing Arts CenterAdd to your calendar REMINDERS: Please be sure to bring a digital or printed copy of your student’s schedule – either by logging into PowerSchool to access the…

Back to School Night – Important Reminders!
Back to School Night Thursday, October 13, 2022 | 6:00 PMMVRHS Performing Arts CenterAdd to your calendar REMINDERS: Please be sure to bring a digital or printed copy of your student’s schedule – either by logging into PowerSchool to access the…

Electronics Disposal Day October 15th
Electronics Disposal Day, hosted in partnership with Martha’s Vineyard Community Services (MVCS) is this Saturday, October 15th from 9am – 2 pm at MVRHS! Dispose of your old, tired and used electronics on island in an environmentally and…

School Closed Oct 7th and Oct 10th
Dear Students and Families, A reminder that school will be closed this Friday, October 7th for MVYPS Staff Professional Development Day and on Monday, October 10th in observance of Indigenous People’s Day. We look forward to seeing students…

Back to School Night 2022
Back to School Night Thursday, October 13, 2022 | 6:00 PMMVRHS Performing Arts CenterAdd to your calendar Dear MVRHS Families, Please join us for an all grade level Back to School Night for Parents on Thursday, October 13th….

PTSO Meeting October 4th at 5 pm
Dear MVRHS Community, A reminder that the next PTSO meeting is Tuesday, October 4th at 5:00 PM via Zoom. Please find meeting details below. Participation is encouraged and all are welcome to attend! MVRHS PTSO meetingTuesday, October 4th5:00 PMZoomAgendaAdd…

SAT Registration Deadline
Hello 12th Grade Families, As a reminder, if your student is interested in signing up for the SAT taking place here at MVRHS on November 5th, regular registration ends Friday, October 7th. Here is the link to CollegeBoard…

Congratulations Dani Charbonneau, 2023 Massachusetts Teacher of the Year!
Danielle Charbonneau Named Massachusetts Teacher of the Year, Vineyard Gazette MVRHS’ Danielle Charbonneau is Teacher of the Year, MV Times On Martha’s Vineyard, State Teacher of the Year has a message, Local Today Tuesday, September 27, 2022 Baker-Polito…

State Seal of Biliteracy: A message from the World Language Department
Dear MVRHS Students and Families, Please review the letter below from the MVRHS World Language Department regarding the Massachusetts State Seal of Biliteracy. Seal of Biliteracy Letter 2022 Thank you!

SAC meeting TONIGHT 7:00 PM via Zoom
Dear MVRHS Community, A friendly reminder that the first MVRHS School Advisory Council (SAC) meeting of the year takes place TONIGHT September 21st at 7:00 PM via Zoom. Please find zoom information and agenda linked below. The School Advisory Council for MVRHS is…

Free School Meals Extended for 2022-23 School Year
Dear Families, We want to update you with exciting news about universal free school meals. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has decided to extend free school meals for all students through the 2022-2023 school year! This means that breakfast…

Project Vine could use your help!
In just about a week’s time, Project Vine, the Alternative Program at MVRHS, will be headed out to Penikese Island. Our annual retreat out there is an important piece of the experience in Project Vine that many graduates…

Important message from MVRHS Principal and MVYPS Superintendent
Dear Families, Discrimination based on factors like race, sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status are pervasive throughout society. Schools are no exception. The Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School (MVRHS) Student Affairs Office is aware of a video of…

Transportation Update: Affected MVRHS Bus Routes Sept 23-Oct 21 2022
Dear Families, As a follow up to the email sent last week (Important update on MVRHS Transportation), if your student rides the bus to and/or from MVRHS, please find listed below the affected routes and associated dates and times…

Important update on MVRHS Transportation: please read if your student takes the bus
Dear Families, Due to the bus driver shortage we are experiencing, there is a possibility that some MVRHS bus routes may be compromised during the school year. If ANY bus route will be affected, you will be notified…

Join the School Advisory Council!
Dear MVRHS Community, Looking for a way to be more involved at MVRHS? Please consider joining the School Advisory Council (SAC) or one of our school council sub-committees. Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 4pm…

Join the PTSO!
We’re proud to announce the launch of the MVRHS Parent-Teacher-Student Organization (PTSO). We plan to work closely with parents, students, school administration, and staff to support educational and school spirit-based initiatives at Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School. The…

Message from MVYPS Superintendent
MVRHS Families, please find welcome letter and COVID update from MVYPS Superintendent below. Superintendent Welcome Letter 2022-23 COVID update 2022-23 Carta de boas-vindas do superintendente 2022-23 Atualização da COVID 2022-23

MVRHS Bus Routes
Dear Families, We look forward to welcoming students back to campus on September 6th! For students using public transportation, MVRHS bus routes can be found on the MVYPS website. Please note you can find additional transportation information on the MVYPS website, including: Island wide…

Your MVRHS Spirit Wear Store Is NOW OPEN 🎉 25% OFF
Attention MVRHS fan! Your NEW 24/7 MVRHS Sideline Store is officially up and running. To celebrate, Sideline is offering fans an epic, month-long promotion–25% OFF sitewide when you use code SPIRIT. Check us out on social to learn more. Go Vineyarders!

Accident Insurance for MVRHS students
The Martha’s Vineyard Public Schools through the Martha’s Vineyard Insurance Agency, Inc. will be providing accident insurance for all enrolled students. The master policy will be on file with the Superintendent of Schools. Please review the letter below…

Student Schedules 2022-23
Good afternoon MVRHS community, We are excited to release student schedules for the 2022-23 school year in PowerSchool. You can view the schedule in your PowerSchool account. For rising 10th -12th grade students, logging into PowerSchool should be quite familiar…

Register for School and Sports through FamilyID
Hello MVRHS! FamilyID is now open. Please go in and complete your 2022/2023 Student Registration for Demographics and Medical. If your student will be playing a Fall Sport, Sports Registration is now open as well, you may complete…

The School Advisory Council, and Other Ways to Be More Involved at MVRHS
Looking for a Way to be More Involved at Our High School? Please Consider Joining the School Advisory Council (SAC) or One of Our School Council Sub-Committees. Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 4pm…