Student artwork displayed has been provided by this year’s painting and drawing and photography classes.
In this Issue:
Guidance Office Info
Vineyarder of the Week: Cindy West
MCAS Testing Schedule
Employment Opportunities for Students
Yearbook/Graduation Information
Enrichments in Flex
- Wednesday, 3/14: 11:00 a.m. Dismissal. Professional Development Day for Staff.
- Take This Week’s Survey !
- ANSWER to Last week’s MVRHS Newsletter Riddle:
I run, it runs. I stop, it runs. What is it? My watch. - Local Immigrants Project: There are 17 pictures and a listening booth on display in the library. Take a chance to listen and look at the stories of fellow islanders. The exhibit is sponsored by the Martha’s Vineyard Museum and photography was done by Mila Lowe. Mila will be presenting during Flex on March 22 with people she photographed. She will also talk about opportunities for project that students could do around the exhibit.
Interviewing Workshop: Thursday, March 15th @ 6:00 p.m. in the Library.
- Host a Sharks player fo Summer 2018: The 35 sharks players are in need of families for their upcoming season to host them. The sharks had 7 players drafted in the MLB draft. These host families are the most important part of the Sharks season and the boys will truly become part of your family. Many families still stay in touch with and visit yearly.
- If you’re interested please contact Russ Curran at (508)813-0380 or .
- Student meal account : Just a friendly reminder to fund your students meal account. You may send payment in to the cafeteria, front office or you may pay online by visiting .
- Congratulations to the winners of the Freshman Value Card Raffle for February! Thank you Emily Anderson, Tyler Vanderhoop, and Matthews Galvao, for authentically demonstrating the core values and beliefs of MVRHS and as a reward you have received a $20 voucher to the school store!
Emerge: Emerge is a skills and support group for girls who need help coping with life’s challenges. These classes will be on Tuesdays during flex. These classes will focus on handling difficult emotions, building better emotions, and being more present. This is a 12-week program beginning on March 27th. You must pre-register with Amy Lilavois PRIOR TO March 27th.
- Spring Sport Registration: Spring sports registration opened on 2/15/18 and will close on 3/16/18. Late registrations will open on 3/19/18 at 6pm.
- Register on Family ID:
The following things in Family ID need to be completed for every sports season:
The Emergency Medical Information must be completed once per school year.
The Data Verification must be completed once per school year.
All freshmen, juniors and new students participating in MVRHS Athletics must take the ImPACT Baseline. If the test was taken in the fall or winter, it does not need to be taken again.
All athletes must have a current sports physical to participate in school sports.
The dates of the last sports physical on file with the school nurse may be found on Plus Portal under demographics.The sports physical must be turned in to the School Nurse or Athletic Trainer.
- Register on Family ID:
- Dodgeball Tournament Update: Due to the ‘March for Our Lives’ for Gun Control, which will be held on March 24th, the dodgeball tournament has been postponed until March 31st.
Guidance Office Information
By Molly Carroll Starting the week of March 19th, John Fiorito will be visiting each elementary school and will do the 8th grade individual course sign up.
- Junior Meetings:
All juniors will be pulled throughout the months of March and April. Parents will be receiving letters in the mail about these dates as well as a follow up phone call. Mark your calendars!
Vineyarder of the Week
Each week we will introduce a student or staff member to our entire school community!
This week we interviewed Cindy West, foreign language teacher and Model UN leader.
How long have you been teaching at MVRHS?
I have been teaching for ten years.
What classes do you teach in the school?
I teach honors Spanish 3 as well as C1 and Honors French 1.
How long have you been in charge of the Model UN Club?
I have been leading Model UN since I started working at the school- 10 years ago.
Do you have a favorite memory about a past Model UN trip?
Four years ago our group had the opportunity to meet with the Ugandan ambassador to the United Nations at the Ugandan embassy. Our group at the time strongly disagreed with a law that had recently passed in Uganda regarding the rights of homosexuals. The ambassador remarkably demonstrated how to have civil political discourse even when you do not agree with a point of view. Everyone in the group was inspired.
What is special or different about this year’s group of Model UN members?
This year we have one of the largest groups since I have been in charge of the club – 25 students. An exciting part about this group is that we have a large number of bilingual Portuguese/English speakers which offers a unique view into the international relations aspect of this club. Additionally, Allyse Guyther and Louise McDonald, both participating for their second year, have taken on important leadership roles which include having them lead most of the meetings and teaching a portion of the curriculum.
Upcoming MCAS Testing
ELA TEST (all grade 10 students)
April 4 (Wednesday)
ELA COMPOSITION MCAS MAKE UP DAY (grade 10 students absent March 27)
COMPUTER BASED MATH FIELD TEST (45 randomly chosen grade 10 students)
May 23,24 (Wednesday, Thursday)
MATH TEST (all grade 10 students)
June 6,7 (Wednesday, Thursday)
BIO TEST ( all grade 10 students, grade 9 students in Hon Bio)
Employment Opportunities for Students
MVRHS provides this as a point of information for paid and unpaid on island opportunities for students. We make no recommendations or guarantees about the positions and employers listed here. MVRHS is not responsible for hiring, scheduling, and compensation for community job postings which are handled directly between the student and the employer. MVRHS does not guarantee job placement for anyone using this information.
- Summer Position with MV Habitat for Kids
- John Allenbrook from Crane Appliance is looking for students that may be interested in learning how to be a service technician. This is something they would train for – John can be reached at 774-460-1501 .
- Elizabeth Bonifacio from First Light Child Development is looking for after school help or even the possibility of a work study student to help in her daycare. Elizabeth can be reached at 508-693-0660. Elizabeth mentioned that 2 daycares are in the process of closing their doors so there is a big need for child care providers at this time.
- The MVAA and Old Sculpin Gallery is looking for as many as three paid interns (@ 2 days/week) from May/June through August and beyond. Ideally Sophomores or Juniors. Job duties include hanging and taking down weekly shows, greeting visitors, social media/web work, promotion and posters, shipping, managing Sunday receptions, and setting up for art classes.
- A family is in search of a fun and responsible high school student who likes taking care of kids. Local family with kids aged 8 and 12 looking for a high school student with a driver’s license, good references, babysitting experience, and perhaps CPR training to assist us this summer as a nanny. It would be a part-time (approx. 25 hours a week) with a set schedule. Contact Elle at 508-560-1213.
- Coca-Cola and the facility in Edgartown need some seasonal merchandisers which would be a great opportunity for high schools students who are 18 years or older and have a vehicle and clean drivers license. Contact Susan Garrett at
- Check out more jobs, internships, and community service opportunities here.
Yearbook/Graduation Information
- If you missed out on your chance to get your cap and gown for graduation, talk to Noelle Warburton in the front office. Cap and gowns are $15
- Senior squares and baby pictures for the yearbook are due by March 26th.
- Sign up for Ms. Todd in room 404 during flex, or you can also visit the yearbook website.
- ***Ms. Todd will be holding a yearbook workshop everyday after school from March 5th to the 16th!***
- Seniors should make sure to fill out the survey for the Junior Class Graduation Marshals and for the graduation song.
Tribal Youth Meeting- Cafe
Student Government- Houghton
1/2 Day (dismissal at 11am)
Rotary Club Speaker- Affordable Study Abroad Options!
Rm 116 Ms. Bonneau
Best Buddies Meeting!- Room 107
Library Chess Club- Rm. 419
Mindfulness in the back of the Library- Ms. Brew
Crafty Feminist Friday- Kurtz & Shoquist Room 326
Read on! – Ferrone & McGrath in the Library
Board/Card Game – Braillard in CADR
Guest Rotary Club Speaker
Affordable study abroad options! Any students interested in learning about affordable opportunities to study abroad either during the summer or for a semester or full year should attend! Thursday, 3/15. ** Sign up for Ms. Bonneau, Rm. 116**
Make your Senior Square for Yearbook during Flex Block
ANY FLEX BLOCK Tuesday -Friday through the month of February. Students can expect to spend about 2 Flex Block periods on making their square! Senior squares are due by March 26th No later! ** Sign up for Ms. Todd in room 404**
Peer Tutoring in Room 203 with Mr. Lavers TUESDAY through FRIDAY
Peer Tutoring with Mr. Lavers will be in Room 203 during FLEX time. Mr. Bonneau will be in Room 113. **Sign up as usual for Mr. Lavers, but note the change in room**
Best Buddies Meeting
Best Buddies will meet on Thursday, 3/15 in the Special Ed Room, Room 107. Join if interested! ** Sign up for Special Education > Best Buddies**
Mindfulness Friday
Join Ms. Brew in the Library and sit peacefully on the couches and cushions. Mindfulness is used by athletes and marines to destress and improve focus. There is a limit of 8 students so sign up quick if interested. ** Sign up for Special Ed/Mindfulness in the Library**
Crafty Feminist Fridays
We will be discussing, debating and enjoying what feminism is to you over movies, snacks, and arts and crafts. Offered every Friday for the month of March , Women’s History Month. ** Sign up for Social Studies/Crafty Feminist Fridays**
Read On!
Haven’t got time to read? Come to the library on Fridays during Flex and READ! This enrichment is being offered to give you a time and place to sit down with a good book and just read. Nothing else is required except a desire to immerse yourself in a book of your choosing. If you haven’t found such a book, yet, we are here to help you find one.
**Sign-up under English – Read-on!**
Board/Card Game Flex with Ms. Braillard
Have any interest in learning how to play Cribbage? Or do you want to play a good old fashion board game like Monopoly? Sign up for Board/Card game flex with Ms. Braillard on Fridays . If you have a particular game you would like to play you are welcome to bring it in. ** Sign up for Math- Board/Card Game Flex, in the CADR**