The MVRHS Athletic Trainer provides sports medicine services to the student athletes at MVRHS and the visiting teams. These services include prevention, recognition, evaluation, treatment, rehabilitation and reconditioning of athletic injuries.
The Athletic Trainer’s role is to return the injured student athlete to sports participation as quickly and safely as possible and to protect the health and well being of our student athletes.
Tania Laslovich, L.A.T, A.T.C
Tel: 508-693-1033 ext. 116, 218
Mobile: 508-627-2839
Fax: 508-696-6042
Athletic Training Room Hours
The Athletic Training Room hours are usually 2:00pm – 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
Evening, Holiday, and Weekend hours vary based on athletic contests scheduled.
This schedule can change with athletic events, school closures and meetings.
The Athletic Trainer is also available by appointment.