Welcome to Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School
Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School must literally be all things to all people. This relatively small 700 student school provides all the educational services and most of the social services for students in grades 9 to 12. This includes full vocational programs, special education collaborative, mentorships, human services, and a complete range of college preparation courses, including Advanced Placement.
The school serves an island which is economically and socially diverse and has the lowest per capita income in the state. To meet these challenges it has one of the most honored high school faculties, an extremely involved student body and many active parent groups.
MVRHS is recognized for creative programs, success in athletics and an extraordinary attention to the fine and performing arts. The world language department and the music department maintain exchanges with sister schools in six foreign nations. The breadth, depth, and quality of its efforts are the things which bring national recognition to Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School.
One of very few schools to have won the National Blue Ribbon School Award 2 times
Vineyard Regional High School was the only public high school in the Commonwealth selected for the National Blue Ribbon School Award and one of 111 nationwide. The other Massachusetts schools were: Bishop Stang High School in North Dartmouth, Timilty Middle School in Roxbury and Marblehead Middle School.
Every public and private high school and middle school in the country (around 100,000) was invited to apply. The fifty states, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the Department of Defense selected 492 schools for further consideration by the US Department of Education. A national panel of experts identified 289 for further review. Based on site evaluations 266 were selected for the award: 111 public high schools, 50 private high schools, 87 middle school and 18 junior high schools.