MVRHS COVID Testing Protocols 2021-22 | Protocolos de teste MVRHS COVID 2021-22

Dear MVRHS Families,

The faculty, staff, and administrators are energized and ready to welcome students back to fully in-person learning this week. As much as we desire to leave pandemic-related planning behind us, we must continue to monitor and respond to current health conditions for the safety and well-being of our community.

Utilizing health and safety measures to support learning and ensure students are connected with their peers and teachers is critical this year. With these measures in place, we can successfully address unfinished learning and provide appropriate social and emotional support to students as they recover from a very challenging school year. 

In order to keep everyone safe and healthy, the state is requiring all staff and students/parents to complete a new consent form (note: a link to this form was included in a letter from MVPS on 9.8.21). If you haven’t completed the consent form, you can access it here.

We are also requiring all students and parents to review and complete the COVID-19 Parent Symptom Check Agreement which is part of the FamilyID student registration process. If you haven’t completed it yet – here is the link. 

Aligned with the latest protocols and guidance of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH), we will be implementing a multi-layered testing and response plan on school grounds, which you will find outlined below:

COVID Testing Protocols:

COVID Response Protocols:

(Note: You can also refer to flowchart below)

Exemptions from Testing and Quarantine: 

Protocols and procedures will be revisited regularly as we monitor health data in our community and the state. For more information on the state testing program, please view the DESE/DPH Protocols for Responding to COVID-19 Scenarios here.

If you have questions or concerns please contact Mike Savoy, School Nurse at or at 508-693-1033 ext. 116.

We are looking forward to a terrific school year in which our students thrive in our school community.

Thank you,

Sara Dingledy, Principal