What’s new in Art, Design & Technology
Latest scenes and artwork from Art, Design & Technology classes!
- Hugo Burrows, PhotoGraphics I
- Avalon Weiland on the wheel (Crafts & Sculpture)
- Avalon Weiland on the wheel (Crafts & Sculpture) 2
- Astoria Hall, medium format film photography
- Anthony Chick (Drawing & Painting, in the style of Ken Noland)
- Wyatt Belisle, PhotoGraphics I
- Vivian Surprenant, Animation class
- Theo Fairchild-Coppoletti programs in Java in AP Computer Science A class
- Summer Riorden (Drawing & Painting, in the style of Ken Noland)
- Summer Riorden (Drawing & Painting, in the style of Ken Noland)
- Riley Yuhas, Drawing & Painting
- Riley Yuhas (Drawing & Painting, in the style of John Chamberlain)
- Larissa DeOliveira, Photo_Graphics II
- Kylie Joyce, Drawing & Painting
- Kylie Joyce (Drawing & Painting, in the style of Ken Noland)
- Kya Maloney (Drawing & Painting, in the style of Ken Noland)
- Jolie Sola, Drawing & Painting
- Indigo Giambattista, Drawing & Painting