Welcome back, parents and guardians of the Class of 2020!

We hope that the summer has treated you well.

As many of you are aware, awaiting your students this year is Junior Prom. Pulling off this event requires much time, energy, and most importantly, money. The Class of 2020 Student Council has already begun the fundraising process, however, a long road lays ahead. For this reason, we need all the help we can get from both you and your students.

One goal we have is to create a student-led prom committee that will discuss and plan out the logistics of the event. We will be meeting with our class during the first few weeks of school.

Second, we would like to create a parent fundraising committee to help the Class of 2020 raise money for prom and other fun events. Fundraising is absolutely crucial to the success of this event, so we would love to have both parents and students on board.

Lastly, we would love to have both parents and students help to plan the post-prom event.

The 1st parent fundraising meeting will be held on Thursday, September 6th at 6:30. Please email either Matt Malowski or Amy Lilavois if you will attend. Once we know the # of parents attending, we will let you know where we will meet.

We are looking forward to a great year and a fun, never to be forgotten prom!

Thank you,

The Class of 2020 Student Council – Emily Gazzaniga, Imani Hall, Alex Rego, Jack Holmes, Tripp Hopkins, Tyla Packish, Jaiden Edelman, Katherine O’Brien

Advisors : Amy Lilavois and Matt Malowski