Weekly Announcements: November 21-27, 2022

We will have school Monday, November 21st. It will be a regular school day with regular routines for students. We will not conduct outdoor activities, however we will have after school activities as scheduled.  We will have a police presence tomorrow and Tuesday. Thank you for your support!

LAST DAY for Winter Sports Registration!

Early registration for winter sports (hockey, basketball, indoor track, or swimming) closes today! Students interested in participating must be registered through Family ID Sports Registration to participate. 

Public Hearing on the FY24 Budget

MVRHS will hold a Public Hearing under the requirements of Massachusetts G.L. Ch.71 Section 38N to review the MVRHS proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2024 and to receive comments from the public regarding this proposed budget. The public hearing will take place in the MVRHS Library on Tuesday, November  29, 2022 at 7:00 PM and also via zoom.

Attention Seniors!

Scholarship season will be upon us soon! Save the Date: MVYouth has announced the date and time of their College, Healthcare & Education, and Workforce Development Scholarship Information Sessions! Also, check out these current scholarship opportunities for outside scholarships(scholarships administered by independent organizations). More information will be posted on the MVRHS Scholarship page in January! 

Art and Design at MVRHS

MVRHS art students have been busy creating some incredible artwork! Check out this Film Noir Studies video produced by students in Mr. Baer’s Advanced Photo/Graphics class and new student artwork from Ms. Shoquist’s Drawing & Painting classes.

Upcoming Dates (Important Dates 2022-23)

Nov. 23-25th: No School – Thanksgiving Recess

Nov. 29th @ 7 PM: FY24 Budget Public Hearing

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!