Following a string of wars, rising drug problems, social conflict, climate change, deaths of many artists who have touched lives, and a country divided over our new leader, artists have a unique opportunity to respond to the national and global events of 2016. This has been a difficult year for many people across the country and our staff and students are no exception. Many in our community are at risk of feeling ostracized, disconnected, and alone.
The students in Advanced Drawing & Painting have come up with a project to show that we are all connected and that each one of us has the ability to affect another life. Every student, staff, and faculty member will be asked to take their choice of colored sidewalk chalk and draw a circle, big or small, on the sidewalk leading up to the front entrance of MVRHS. The circle should touch at least one other circle in some way. The circle is a universal symbol of wholeness, unity, and inclusion. Through this form, each person represents themselves as a being who is complete individually but whose life and actions affect those of others.