Teacher Appreciation Week 2023

Dear MVRHS Parents/Guardians,

It is almost the time of year for Teacher Appreciation Week!

The PTSO is planning a weeklong celebration for the MVRHS teachers and staff, during the week of May 1st, 2023.

We are hoping to create some lovely gift baskets to be raffled off during the appreciation week. Our PTSO relies solely on donations, so we are please asking for donations from parents to help create the baskets. We need you!

Here are some of the basket themes and items we are seeking for donations:

We would greatly appreciate any donation you can make. The PTSO will gladly provide a donation receipt letter for your records upon request.

Please drop donations to Guinevere Cramer, in the front office, no later than Thursday, April 27th.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Jennifer Fingado, mom2akmv@gmail.com.

On behalf of the students, parents, and faculty of MVRHS thank you for your consideration in helping make this a great week of appreciation!

Teacher Appreciation Dessert Buffet

The PTSO will be providing a DESSERT buffet, on Thursday, May 4th for the staff at MVRHS.

We are kindly asking for parent donations of desserts and assorted beverages!

Suggested items: **please have desserts (brownies/bars) ready for single serve ready**

• cookies, brownies, bars, cupcakes

• treat sized chocolates – something sweet

• granola bars

• fruit (apples/oranges)

• cans/bottles of flavored sparkling waters/seltzers, lemonade, diet coke, sprite

Desserts/beverages may be dropped off Thursday MORNING before 11:00 a.m. please and canbe left with Guinevere Cramer in the front office. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Fingado, mom2akmv@gmail.com. Thank you for helping celebrate the wonderful staff at MVRHS!
