SWEAR Assembly

Dear Parents/Guardians,

On the week of December 5th, 2022 your student will be invited to attend an assembly sponsored by the MVRHS chapter of SWEAR (Stand With Everyone Against Rape). SWEAR is a rape and sexual assault prevention and awareness program predominately led my males – with the idea in mind that gender based violence is not just a women’s issue, but a men’s issue as well.

Following the educational portion of the assembly, Ashley Bendiksen, a survivor, will speak with our students about her experience and her healing process emphasizing the support she received from family and friends, the importance of being an active bystander and the power of a strong community.

Due to the difficult nature of this topic CONNECT counselors will be available throughout the day should students need additional support. We will follow the assembly with small group conversations. Faculty members, CONNECT counselors and SWEAR students will help facilitate these conversations.

For parents who are interested in continuing this conversation at home, here are a few questions you can ask your student to engage them in a dialogue about this important topic: 

Any student who does not wish to attend the assembly will have the option to have a study period in the library. If you choose to have your student excused from the assembly, please contact Amy Lilavois.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Thank you,

Amy Lilavois and Matthew Malowski

School Adjustment Counselors

Co-Advisors for SWEAR