Student Government Day for Juniors & Seniors | Dia do governo estudantil para jovens e idosos

Any Juniors and Seniors in good standing can apply to attend Student Government Day which will be held on April 1, 2022, as a remote conference.

Sponsored by the ​​Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, this is an informative program about state government, that includes students participating in the role of elected or appointed officials to “observe the processes of government.” This is a great opportunity to learn something new about how our government works, meet other students in the state of Massachusetts and add a line to your resume! 

We are able to register one student and one student alternate for this event. Depending on the number of students who are registered, it is possible that both students will be able to participate. 

Application Requirements:

  1. Ask for a  teacher recommendation. A link will be sent to teachers, but you must ask a teacher to recommend you in order for them to complete the form! 

  2. Complete a student application which includes answering the following questions:
    1. Why do you want to participate in Student Government Day? 
    2.  Why is it important to understand the workings of the government before you can vote?
    3.  How will you bring what you learn back to MVRHS?

To submit your application or if you have any questions, email Miss Krzyzanowski @

Important Dates