Stay Connected!
MVRHS communicates with students, families and the community through a steady stream of targeted school information using the following channels:
- Email blasts/text messages: MVRHS sends these weekly school announcements in addition to grade and activity specific messaging via email and/or text communication. If you are not receiving emails and/or text messages and would like to, please contact
- MVRHS website: The MVRHS school website has valuable information. Our Program of Studies, Calendar, Important Dates, School Schedule, Staff Directory, School Announcements, Student Handbook, Wellness, Athletics, Student Life, links to FamilyID & PowerSchool and much more are all located on the website. Website translation is available by selecting Translate on the top navigation bar.
- PowerSchool: Teachers communicate with parents/guardians through PowerSchool. Parents/guardians can also view school announcements on the ‘Daily Bulletin’ found on their PowerSchool dashboard.
- Social media: Follow MVRHS on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to stay up to date with school happenings!
- The High School View: Staffed and prepared entirely by MVRHS students and published by the MV Times with the generous assistance of sponsors.
- The Grapevine: MVRHS’ own, student-produced weekly news broadcast.
Any communication questions can be directed to Mary Korba at