Staffing shifts and new hires for the 2021-22 school year | Mudanças de pessoal e novas contratações para o ano letivo de 2021-22

On behalf of the many MVRHS community members who served on our hiring committees, I am incredibly excited to announce these new hires/staffing shifts to you all.  Please know that this is not an exhaustive list. There are a few positions not formally filled yet, and we will announce these soon. 

Current staffing shifts:

New staff hires:

We also will have an Early Childhood Education teacher join our CTE department to offer two ECE classes to our students.   Project Headway will move into our building in the former staff lounge and will serve as a lab space for our ECE students to gain hands-on experiences.  

*ESP=Classroom support staff

**ASP=Office support staff

Sara Dingledy
