Special Event Tonight: How to Talk with Children About Sudden Death

Dear MVRHS Community, 

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of Shannon Carbon, a Tisbury School staff member and a valuable member of our MV community. Shannon died suddenly on October 10, 2023.

Please join us tonight, October 11th from 7 to 8 pm ET for a conversation titled “How to Talk with Your Children About Sudden Death and Traumatic Events,” which will be facilitated by Riverside Trauma Center. The discussion will focus on how to address the topic of sudden death in a safe and supportive manner, reduce potential risk, spot signs of struggle, and seek support when needed. 

Riverside will be there to answer our questions, offer advice, and share helpful resources available to staff, families and our community. Language access will be available at this event in both English and Brazilian Portuguese. We hope that you will attend this important event as we prepare to support you and your student(s). 

A sudden loss like this can have an effect on students. Sudden death is always painful to understand, and your child may experience signs of stress. These may include one or more of, and not limited to, the following:      

Counselors at MVRHS are available to speak with any student who may have questions or need support during the school day. Please feel free to reach out to Amy Lilavois, Matthew Malowski or Cheri Cluff if you have any questions or would like a counselor to connect with your student. 

We look forward to welcoming you this evening.


Sara Dingledy

Riverside Trauma Center presents “How to Talk with Your Children About Sudden Death and Traumatic Events.”

Topic: MV Parents Meeting

Time: Oct 11, 2023 | 7:00 PM Eastern Time

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 813 7059 8253

Passcode: 808374

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