Scholastic Art Awards

Jack Yuen

Congratulations to the following sixteen MVRHS art & design students for winning 2015 Boston Globe Scholastic Art Awards:

Jack Yuen – 3 Gold Keys (painting, digital art, and drawing)

Kristine Hopkins – Gold Key (photography portfolio)

Gordon Moore – Gold Key (ceramics) 3 Honorable Mentions (drawing and painting portfolio, ceramics portfolio, ceramics)

Sequoia Ahren – Gold Key (photography)

Aaron Teves – 2 Silver Keys (architecture); Honorable Mention (painting)

Henry Danielson – Silver Key (drawing)

Kanika Datta – Silver Key (ceramics)

Donald O’Shaughnessy – Silver Key (ceramics)

Mia Arenberg – Honorable Mention (photography)

Andrei Bernier – Honorable Mention (drawing)

Lee Faraca – Honorable Mention (drawing)

Emily Kleinhenz – Honorable Mention (ceramics portfolio)

Courtney Howell – Honorable Mention (photography)

Michael Morris – Honorable Mention (ceramics)

Katherine Reid – Honorable Mention (painting)

Tessa Whitaker – Honorable Mention (photography)

Work by four of them – Jack Yuen, Kristine Hopkins, Gordon Moore, and Sequoia Ahren – won Gold Keys, which means they will compete in the national competition in New York City later this spring.

Chris Baer