Principal’s Newsletter

Photo by Jeanna Shepard, courtesy of the Vineyard Gazette.

Welcome back to school everyone,

It has been a pleasure meeting so many of you, and reconnecting with so many others who I met throughout the interview process and over the summer. We are off to a great start! One of my commitments is to communicate directly with families through a monthly update. In this update, I will share quick notes on:

Please send along feedback or thoughts. I welcome the input!

Upcoming Events

Spirit Week and Homecoming: The week of October 3-6 is Spirit Week at MVRHS. Each day will have a theme, and we are encouraging all students and teachers to dress up and show their school spirit. Pajama Monday, Twin Tuesday, Farmer Wednesday and Purple/Vineyard Pride on Thursday. We will have a Pep rally to show support for all sports teams on Thursday.

Please also join us for Homecoming Games and Events over the weekend.

The Homecoming Dance will be held Saturday night at the high school. Tickets are $10

Principal’s Coffee: I will host another Principal Coffee on Tuesday, October 4 from 8-9 and again from 5-6. Hope to see many of you there.

Please check out our calendar for more information.



We have had some successful events so far at school this September.

That’s all folks,


Principal Sara Dingledy