Ninth Grade Academic Support

Helpful Hints for Parents and Students

  1. The Goals for 9th-grade academic support:
    • Work on their individual goals as stated in the IEP
    • Learn and utilize learning strategies to increase executive functioning skills.
    • Learn and utilize Self-Advocacy skills in order to get help or clarification from teachers.
    • To become an independent and successful learner.

  2. Communication with the school:
    • Email is the most efficient form of communication.
    • Communicate with general education teachers, special education teacher and/or guidance.
    • If you have a question about a specific class, email the teacher directly and cc the special education teacher.
    • You can set up a meeting with the school if needed. Special Education office # 508-693-1033 ext. 136

  3. Homework increases for high school students:
    • Have an area at home that is set for the student to complete homework and free of all distractions (iPad, iPod, cell phones, music etc…)
    • A consistent time and place to complete homework.
    • Encourage students to stay after school if needed with their teachers.
    • Helpful book: Parent Guide to Hassle-Free Homework by Judith Stein and Lynn Meltzer and four other authors.
    • Have your child use flex time to access teachers for extra support during the school day.

Contact Information