New FAFSA Coming Soon!

Hello Seniors and families!       

Are you applying to college and planning to apply for financial aid? The good news is that the new FAFSA form is coming soon! On December 31st (Happy New Year!), you will be able to access the form. Keep in mind that you do not have to complete the FAFSA by December 31st, however, you should plan to complete the form as soon as possible, so your colleges can start reviewing your financial information.

Since this ‘drop date’ happens over winter break, the Guidance department wanted to provide the following information so you can be prepared.

MEFA (Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority), is an excellent non-profit organization that helps students and families with the college financial aid process. They host our “Financial Aid 101 Night” each year and their latest presentation can be found here on the Guidance page of the MVRHS website. We have provided two links below with essential information to help you apply for financial aid and better understand the process.  

MEFA – 7 Tips on the New FAFSA

MEFA – FAFSA Simplification Updates and Resources

While you are waiting for the FAFSA form, be sure to have your FSA ID ready to go. You can create this account anytime. The following links will take you to different parts of the StudentAid.Gov website, the federal government’s website where you create your required account and FSA ID, and access the FAFSA form. 

StudentAid.Gov – Federal Student Aid FAFSA Announcements, Events, Support

StudentAid.Gov – Create Your Account and FSA ID

StudentAid.Gov – Link to the FAFSA Form (Available starting December 31, 2023)

As always, we are available to help students with questions about the FAFSA and the college process during either FLEX, Tuesday through Friday. Bring your lunch and your laptop! 

-The MVRHS Guidance Team