MVRHS Weekly Newsletter 4/2/18

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Student artwork displayed has been provided by this year’s painting and drawing and photography classes.

In this Issue:


Employment Opportunities for Students

Brennan Srisirikul

MCAS Testing Schedule

Vineyarder of the Week: Patrick Flaherty

Enrichments in Flex


Employment Opportunities for Students

MVRHS provides this as a point of information for paid and unpaid on island opportunities for students. We make no recommendations or guarantees about the positions and employers listed here. MVRHS is not responsible for hiring, scheduling, and compensation for community job postings which are handled directly between the student and the employer. MVRHS does not guarantee job placement for anyone using this information.

The MVRHS website now includes updated opportunities for summer jobs, volunteering, internships, grants, travel and study abroad. Look for the buttons on , or view them all at . Check back often as we are adding more almost every day!

Brennan Srisirikul

Brennan Srisirikul

Please come hear Brennan speak about his life as a man with a disability, a representative of the LGBTQ community and someone who strongly believes in inclusion, diversity and equality. Brennan’s also an actor in musical theater.

Brennan dreams BIG! His story will move and motivate you as well as make you laugh

Tuesday, April 10th 9am-9:40am (Flex period) in the Library.

Also: G period (following Flex) for any interested classes.

If you’re interested please visit/contact: Kevin McGrath, MVRHS Librarian

For more information about Brennan visit his website.

Upcoming MCAS Testing

ENGLISH MCAS testing for 10th graders will take place this week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. There will be a breakfast for the 10th graders in the cafeteria from 7:15-7:45 Tuesday, March 27th to kick off the MCAS testing!

April 4 (Wednesday)

ELA COMPOSITION MCAS MAKE UP DAY (grade 10 students absent March 27)

April 25 (Wednesday)

COMPUTER BASED MATH FIELD TEST (45 randomly chosen grade 10 students)
May 23, 24 (Wednesday, Thursday)

MATH TEST (all grade 10 students)

June 6, 7 (Wednesday, Thursday)

BIO TEST ( all grade 10 students, grade 9 students in Hon Bio)

Vineyarder of the Week

This week we interviewed Patrick Flaherty, sophomore student who skis competitively.

What activities do you participate in?

Skiing and Sailing.

How did you get involved in skiing?

My parents. My whole family skis so I grew up learning how to ski. I have been skiing since I was 5 years old.

Where is your favorite place to ski and have you been anywhere exciting for the sport?

Berkshire East is my favorite place to ski, and I have skied in Austria.

Who inspires you?

My grandfather. He was a ski instructor who, along with my dad, has coached me and has helped me become a good ski racer.

Which events do you do?

I do slalom, grand slalom, and super grand slalom. Slaloms is a single person race, skiing for the fastest skier from top to bottom wins.It’s a sport that requires great courage and skill in equal measure; strength, agility, balance and technique. The slalom race is one of the most technical disciplines consisting of single poles as the gates. The grand slaloms consist of double poles with a flag between them. Unlike the slolems, the gates are larger and course is longer than the slolems. Athletes must use aggression, strength, and agility to make their way down the shorter courses. The super grand slalom is a speed dominate event with similar gates to the Grand Slalom. The course has larger turns and uses the terrain of the slope, the set will often be set to control the athlete’s speed coming into more difficult sections. It features long, sweeping high-speed turns on courses that have vertical drops only slightly less steep. It is a bigger (longer) course than traditional slalom.

What do you do in your free time?

Hang out with friends, workout.

How do you prepare for a race?

I look at the course first. We go in order of bibs (1-80) and whoever has the fastest time wins. I usually place around 30th. Many of the kids I race against go to ski academies and train every day.




Tuesday, 4/2

Tribal Youth Meeting- Cafe

Student Government- Houghton

Business Club-Room 101- Jakusik

EMERGE meeting- Lilavois/ICC – RJO

Uproot meeting- Title 1- Rm 112

Writers Week – PAC Lobby- D’Agostino
Wednesday, 4/3

Meditative Coloring – DeOliveira Rm. 115

YMCA Teen Council- ACR

Writers Week – PAC Lobby- D’Agostino

Customer Service Certification- Jakusik 101
Thursday, 4/4

Strive (Women in Business)Rm 101- Jakusik

Writers Week – PAC Lobby- D’Agostino
Friday, 4/5

Chess Club- Rm. 419

Read on! – Ferrone & McGrath in the Library

Beatmaking- Rm 513- D’Agostino

Writers Week – Enrichments Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday!

Write Now! Interactive Creative Writing Lab with Dani Fletcher and Spencer D’Agostino – Available Tuesday through Thursday . Students and staff will meet in the PAC lobby to experiment with language and create word-based art in different forms, such as visible-only-in-rain sidewalk poetry, giant word-tile “magnetic poetry”, group story writing, ekphrastic response and more. Push the bounds of your love of words and experiment with different media in one or all of these interactive experiments with language. ** Sign up for English/D’Agostino**

Business Club

Every Tuesday during Flex, Business Club and DECA members meet in room 101 with Mr. Jakusik. ** Sign up for Business/Education, DECA**

Uproot Meeting

Meeting every other Tuesday in Room 112 (Mr. Graves’ room). CONNECT to end violence group, Uproot: Students Against Domestic and Sexual Violence. **Sign up for Title 1/Uproot **


Skills and support group for girls who need help coping with life’s challenges. MUST PRE-REGISTER with Amy Lilavois to sign up.

Teen Council Meeting

Meeting once a month in the RJO/ACR area. Ryan Schwab-Doyon, Director of Alex’s Place at the YMCA will be here to discuss the future of the teen center with students. **Sign up for Title 1/Teen Council **

Meditative Coloring

Meditative coloring is a great way to destress and relax. Wednesdays. **Sign up for Ms. DeOliveira RM 115**

Customer Service Seminar

40 Minute training in customer service techniques. Participants will receive a certificate of completion. **Sign up for Business/Education, Customer Service**


Strive is a new organization created for women in business. Meet in room 101 every Thursday with Mr. Jakusik. ** Sign up for Business/Education, Strive**

Peer Tutoring in Room 203 with Mr. Lavers TUESDAY through FRIDAY

Peer Tutoring with Mr. Lavers will be in Room 203 during FLEX time. Mr. Bonneau will be in Room 113. **Sign up as usual for Mr. Lavers, but note the change in room**

Read On!

Haven’t got time to read? Come to the library on Fridays during Flex and READ! This enrichment is being offered to give you a time and place to sit down with a good book and just read. Nothing else is required except a desire to immerse yourself in a book of your choosing. If you haven’t found such a book, yet, we are here to help you find one.

**Sign-up under English – Read-on!**

Board/Card Game Flex with Ms. Braillard

Have any interest in learning how to play Cribbage? Or do you want to play a good old fashion board game like Monopoly? Sign up for Board/Card game flex with Ms. Braillard on Fridays . If you have a particular game you would like to play you are welcome to bring it in. ** Sign up for Math- Board/Card Game Flex, in the CADR**


Make your own beats and experiment with hardware drum machines and synths with Mr. D’Agostino in room 513. No experience necessary! ** Sign up for English/D’Agostino**