Student artwork displayed has been provided by this year’s painting and drawing and photography classes.
Island Food Pantry : Beginning January 22 and continuing until February 16, boxes will be placed in homerooms to receive food for the Island Food Pantry . They’re looking for the following items:
Soups / Stews / Ravioli / Chili
Granola Bars
Canned vegetables
Produce (apples, oranges, etc.)
Peanut butter / almond butter
Tuna/canned chicken / salmon
Value Cards: For the remainder of the school year Freshman can receive a Value Card by a teacher or administer in the building if they are showing authentic acts of the high school’s common values. The common values are Resilience, Compassion, Community, Accountability, and Curiosity. This week classroom teachers will be discussing in more detail how your can earn a Value Card. At the end of the month anyone that received a card that month will be put into a raffle where three students can win a $20 voucher to the school store.
Angst Movie Screening: The IWYC will be presenting the film Angst for the week of February 12th. The film will be presented at the MVRHS Library at 6pm for the community for two evenings:
Freshmen and Sophomores will start scheduling the week of Feb 5th.
Juniors will schedule in the PAC on Tuesday, Feb 13th during flex time 9:00- 9:40.
Tuesday, Feb. 20th – 8th grade parent meeting in the PAC 6:30-8:00pm.
Starting the week of March 19th, John Fiorito will be visiting each elementary school and will do the 8th grade individual course sign up.
Local Scholarship Application Night: on Wednesday January 31, from 6:30-7:30 senior parents and students are welcome in the MVRHS cafeteria for a meeting. ○ Please remember scholarship packets for this meeting.
MVRHS Budget Sub-Committee Meetings:
Principal’s Coffee will be on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 5PM in the LCR.
SAC will meet on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 4PM in the LCR.
Each week we will introduce a student or staff member to our entire school community!
For this week’s interview, we talked to Natalie Munn and Jacqueline Hermann about the Annual Science Fair.
How long have you been working at the school?
Jackie Hermann has been working at the school for 28 years.
Natalie Munn has been working at the school for 19 years
What is your role here at the high school?
Jackie Hermann is an Earth Science and Principles of Science teacher.
Natalie Munn is a Chemistry teacher.
How long have you been in charge of the Science fair?
Jackie Hermann: This is my ninth year coordinating the Science fair.
Natalie Munn: I am not in charge of the fair – Jackie Hermann is the Science Fair Coordinator. Dana Munn and I started the fair in 2000 the first year I worked at the High School, and I ran it for the first ten years. Jackie Hermann has been running it ever since.
Why do you believe that the Science fair is important to the school community?
Natalie Munn: The Science Fair is a great opportunity for students to share their work with our school community, as well as with the public. Students choose topics that interest them, and I love seeing what they learn as they work on the projects. The students work hard, and I like for them to get recognition for that work. Also, it is a competition that promotes students on to both regional (at Bridgewater) and state (at MIT) competitions, and we even had a student invited to the International Science and Engineering Fair a few years ago. The student was able to attend with full financial support from the MA State Science Fair program.
How did you first get involved with the Science fair? Natalie Munn and Dana Munn and started the fair in 2000. It was very small- maybe 30 or so students and approximately 10 judges. Over time, more students became interested in participating, and more teachers started providing a framework for doing these types of projects. Jackie Hermann took over coordination of the Science fair in 2009.
Congratulations to the 29 MVRHS Art, Design & Technology students who won a total of 47 awards this year across 7 categories at the 2018 Boston Globe Scholastic Art Awards!
The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards has been held annually since 1923 Last year they received about 18,000 submissions, viewed by more than fifty judges, and nationally, there were more than 330,000 entries.
Gold Keys:
Simone Davis, Maria Clara Lacerda, Ryan O’Malley, Davin Tackabury, Emily Weyl, and Salyn Yancey.
Silver Keys:
Myllenna DeOliveira, Olin Gannon, Colin Henke, Jenna Joseph, Grace Kenney, Danielle Middleton, Hannah Rabasca.
Honorable Mentions:
Molly Baldino, Pandora Bassett, Matheus Brito, Amelia Craig, Annabelle Cutrer, Julian Herman, Rebeca Lima, Amber Medeiros, Andrea Pachico, Tyla Packish, Lia Potter, Daniel Rivard, Rachel Salop, Alyssa Smith, David Sweitzer, Annabelle Thomas.
MVRHS Poetry Out Loud School-Wide Contest will be held on Wednesday, February 14th during Flex. We are hoping to have at least 10 brave students participating, but are encouraging more. There is still time to participate! If you want to memorize a poem and recite it, please do! The only requirement is that the poem be chosen from the website (the judging criteria and examples of exemplary recitation can be accessed through that site as well). We hope to have a list of participants established by Tuesday, February 13th, so if you want to participate, please see Ms. Ferrone or Mr.D’Agostino before that date.
Note, This week, February 6-9th, Doug DeBettencourt. and Brian Jakusik will switch rooms for flex!
Employer Speaker Series: Andrew Nutton
MONDAY, DURING Mentor Monday: Andrew Nutton, Director of Programs for Sail MV and MVRHS teacher of Maritime Science at MVRHS, will be available to speak to students on Monday, February 5th during Mentor Monday Flex time about his education and work experiences leading up to where he is now. Send students to Room 215 if they are interested!
Make your Senior Square for Yearbook during Flex Block
ANY FLEX BLOCK Tuesday -Friday through the month of February. Students can expect to spend about 2 Flex Block periods on making their square!
** Sign up for Ms. Todd in room 404**
Peer Tutoring in Room 203 with Mr. Lavers TUESDAY through FRIDAY
Peer Tutoring with Mr. Lavers will be in Room 203 during FLEX time. Mr. Bonneau will be in Room 113.
**Sign up as usual for Mr. Lavers, but note the change in room**
Uproot Meeting
Meeting on Tuesday, 2/6 in Room 112 (Mr. Graves’ room). CONNECT to end violence group, Uproot: Students Against Domestic and Sexual Violence.
**Sign up for Title 1/Uproot **
Martha’s Vineyard Community Services will be offering a 6 week Art Journaling Group for young women interested in discussing healthy/unhealthy relationship characteristics, good boundaries, rights and empowerment. The group will take place during Flex every Thursday for six weeks beginning on January 25th and will be facilitated by Hanna Halperin, a Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Counselor from CONNECT to end Violence.
**Sign up for Art/ARTiculation with Ms. Shoquist in room 326**
Tribal Youth Meeting
Weekly Tribal Youth Meeting with Tribal Leaders will be held on Tuesday , 2/6.
**Sign up for Tribal Youth Meeting under Assistant Principal**
Erin Debettencourt and Lollie Bezahler’s Trip to Haiti
Erin and Lollie will be presenting about their week-long trip to Haiti in the LCR on Thursday, February 8th. This past summer they paired with a school in Missouri and took a trip down to the third-world country. During this trip, they realized how much we have compared to us on the island. They also noticed how much we have in common.
**Sign up for the Haiti Presentation under Title 1**
Chess Club with Mr. McCarthy
Every Friday in Room 419. Come ready to play and learn the game of chess.
**Sign up for Chess Club with Mr. McCarthy under English**
Pep Rally FRIDAY, 2/9/18
Friday will be our all-school winter sports pep rally! Flex on Friday will be at the END of the day.
Boys Hockey: Away against Coyle & Cassidy @5:00
Swimming: L against Bishop Feehan @4:00
Boys Basketball: Away against Sandwich @5:00
Girls Basketball: L 53-62 against Sandwich
Boys Basketball: Home against Bishop Stang @4:30
Girls Basketball: L 28-52 against Bishop Stang
Boys Hockey: Away against Nantucket @2:00
Girls Hockey: L 0-5 against Hanover/Cohasset
Girls Basketball: L 42-55 against Needham
Girls Hockey: Home against Bishop Stang @ 4:00
Boys Basketball: Home against Mashpee @4:30
Girls Hockey: Away against Scituate @4:00
Boys Hockey: Home against Bishop Stang @4:30
Girls Basketball: Home against Bishop Stang @4:30
Girls Basketball: Away against Bishop Feehan @5:30
Boys Basketball: Home against Bishop Feehan @4:30
Girls JV Hockey: Away against Saint George School @5:00
Boys Hockey: Away against Bourne @5:00