Student artwork displayed has been provided by this year’s painting and drawing and photography classes.
Guidance Office Info
MCAS Testing Schedule
Yearbook/Graduation Information
Indoor Track Achievements
Poetry Out Loud Results
Athletics News & Results
Vineyarder of the Week: Rachel Schubert
Enrichments in Flex
Dodgeball Tournament:
Help support the class of 2020 at the first annual MVRHS Dodgeball Tournament on Saturday, March 24th, 2018 at 12:00 p.m. in the Gym.
Limited spots available so get your forms in early!!
If you missed out on your chance to get your cap and gown for graduation, talk to Noelle Warburton in the front office. Cap and gowns are $15 Senior squares and baby pictures for the yearbook are due by March 26th.
Sign up for Ms. Todd in room 404 during flex, or you can also visit the yearbook website.
In addition, Ms. Todd will be holding a yearbook workshop everyday after school from March 5th – 16th.
Seniors should make sure to fill out the survey in the library for the Junior Class Graduation Marshals and for the graduation song. The survey ends February 23rd.
On the track:
Otto Osmers, Daniel Rivard, Isaac Richards & Peter Burke 6th in the relay 8:56 (pr and a school record). Alternate Owen Atkins was an integral part of the relay team that practiced all year. The track coaches try to instill this commitment in our athletes all the time: well done Owen.
Field events:
Amelia Simmons won first place in the fifth annual Poetry Out Loud contest and moves on to regional semi-final competition. Rebecca Lima and Samantha Cassidy place second and third. Thank you to our judges, Kevin McGrath, Janet Newton and Rachel Shubert, and the supportive students who attended.
Varsity Boys Hockey: Lost against Bishop Feehan 4-0 JV Girls Hockey: Lost against Sandwich
Boys Basketball: Lost against 88-78 against Old Rochester
Varsity Girls Hockey : Lost against Sandwich 4-2 Girls Basketball: Lost against Bishop Stang 59-64
Girls Basketball: Lost against Cardinal Spellman 49-54
Boys Basketball: Home against Weston @1:30 Varsity Boys Hockey: Home Tournament @7:00
Girls Varsity Hockey: Home against Norwood @1:30
Girls Basketball: Home against Plymouth South @3:00 – Senior Game Boys Basketball: Away in Tournament
Boys Basketball: Away in Tournament
Girls Hockey: Home against Dennis-Yarmouth @4:00 – Senior Game
Boys Hockey: Home against Nauset @5:00 – Senior Game
Each week we will introduce a student or staff member to our entire school community! For this week’s interview, we talked to Rachel Schubert, who teaches English here at MVRHS.
How long have you been teaching?
I have been teaching for three years, but this is my first year at MVRHS.
Where did you go to college?
I attended Tulane University and Brandeis University.
What was it like growing up on Martha’s Vineyard and then moving back?
Martha’s Vineyard was, and still is, an amazing place to grow up, but I didn’t fully appreciate it until I moved away. Moving back after 10 years has been wonderful. It’s nice to be home.
Why did you decide to come back to the island?
To live closer to my family and teach English.
Why did you decide to teach English?
To me, English is about communication and being able to communicate clearly and effectively. It’s also such an impactful subject because reading encourages people to be introspective while also looking outside of themselves and making connections. I am an avid writer and enjoy providing feedback on writing by others, and my job allows me to do that. I would never want to teach anything else (except Defense Against the Dark Arts).
What is one thing you love about MVRHS?
The people: students, teachers, and staff.
How has MVRHS changed over the years?
Technology has made communicating with students easier. The addition of flex block has provided more time for students and teachers to connect outside of class.
What’s your favorite class to teach?
I enjoy teaching all of my classes, but my favorite one usually depends on whatever we are reading at the moment. For example, we just started The Great Gatsby with my junior classes so I am excited for that.
What do you do in your free time?
Spend time with my family.
Tribal Youth Meeting
Weekly Tribal Youth Meeting with Tribal Leaders will be held on Tuesday, 2/20. **Sign up for Tribal Youth Meeting under Assistant Principal**
Uproot Meeting
Meeting on Tuesday, 2/6 in Room 112 (Mr. Graves’ room). CONNECT to end violence group, Uproot: Students Against Domestic and Sexual Violence. **Sign up for Title 1/Uproot **
Meditative Coloring
Meditative coloring is a great way to destress and relax. Wednesday, 2/21 . **Sign up for Ms. DeOliveira RM 115**
Employer Speaker Series:
Will Coogan Will Coogan will speak to students on Wednesday, 2/21 about his career path that ended up with ownership of two Island restaurants. ** Work Study/Fran Finnegan, Room 215 **
Diversity Speaker Series: Makenzie Brookes
Makenzie Brookes will speak to students about refugee resettlement in the USA on Thursday, 2/22: **Asst Principal/Diversity Speaker Series**
Make your Senior Square for Yearbook during Flex Block
ANY FLEX BLOCK Tuesday – Friday through the month of February. Students can expect to spend about 2 Flex Block periods on making their square! ** Sign up for Ms. Todd in room 404**
Peer Tutoring in Room 203 with Mr. Lavers TUESDAY through FRIDAY
Peer Tutoring with Mr. Lavers will be in Room 203 during FLEX time. Mr. Bonneau will be in Room 113. **Sign up as usual for Mr. Lavers, but note the change in room**
Chess Club with Mr. McCarthy
Every Friday in Room 419. Come ready to play and learn the game of chess. ** Sign up for Chess Club with Mr. McCarthy under English**