MVRHS Weekly Newsletter 12/11/2017

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Student artwork displayed below has been provided by this year’s painting and drawing and photography classes.

Announcements: Week of 12/11, 2017

On​ ​Friday,​ ​a​ ​true​ ​friend​ ​of​ ​Island​ ​youth,​ ​Tony​ ​Lombardi,​ ​passed​ ​away.​ ​MVRHS​ ​remembers​ ​the​ ​enormous contributions​ ​he​ ​made​ ​to​ ​our​ ​Island​ ​community,​ ​most​ ​recently​ ​as​ ​the​ ​Director​ ​of​ ​Alex’s​ ​place​ ​at​ ​the YMCA.​ ​When​ ​we​ ​receive​ ​information​ ​about​ ​services​ ​for​ ​Tony​ ​we​ ​will​ ​pass​ ​them​ ​along​ ​to​ ​our​ ​school community.

Events​ ​in​ ​the​ ​PAC​ ​this​ ​week:

Guidance Office Information

By Andrea


Last Week- Athletics:


Boys Basketball: Home against Community Academy @1:30pm – postponed

Girls Basketball: Home against North Quincy High School @4:30pm, W 44-29.

Boys Hockey: Home against Sandwich High School @3:00pm, L 5-2.

Girls Hockey: Home against Brookline High School @5:00pm, L 1-0.

This Week-Athletics:


Boys Basketball: Home against Sandwich High School @4:30pm

Girls Basketball: Home against Sandwich High School@5:30pm

Boys Hockey: Home against Sandwich High School @3:00pm

Girls Hockey: Home against Brookline High School @5:00pm

Swimming: Away at the Sachem Invitational @8:00am


Indoor Track: Away against Southeastern RVT HS @5:30pm


Boys Hockey: Home against Silver Lake Reg. High School @3:00pm

Girls Hockey: Away against Cohasset Middle-High School @3:30pm

Swimming: Home against Brockton High School @12:30pm


Boys Basketball: Home against O’Bryant High School @1:00pm

Girls Basketball: Home against Boston Latin Academy @11:30am

Vineyarder of the Week

Each week we will introduce a student or staff member to our entire school community!

Emily Hewson

This Week: Emily​ ​Hewson,​ ​12th​ ​grade

How long have you been performing with the Minnesingers?

Since sophomore year, and I love it!

What is your favorite song you are singing this year in Minnesingers?

Probably “12 Days” or the “Song of Mary and Joseph” because I have a small solo.

What are you looking to do in college?

I will continue the pipe dream, musical theater. It is something I have always loved doing and it makes me happy. But if that doesn’t work out, maybe a psychology course…

Will you continue to sing in college?

I will definitely continue singing. Singing to me is something that goes along with you wherever you go in life, you never lose it.

Do you participate in any other extracurricular activities at MVRHS?

Besides Minnesingers, I have been in the play all 4 years.

What is something about MVRHS you will miss?

I am going to miss the Music Department the most. Also, playing the bass in the orchestra. I have been playing the bass for 8 years and I sadly can’t bring it to college with me.

What is something look forward to after High School?

Seeing where musical theater takes me in life!

Enrichments in Flex

Yearbook Survey in Flex:

Click here!

Kids​ ​Included​ ​Together​ ​(KIT)-​ ​Thursday​ ​12/14

Join Kat King from Kids Included Together for an open conversation around socially responsible language. We will explore Person First and Identity First Language and current trends and shifts preferred by the disability community. After our time together, you will be better prepared in school, future work settings, and in your community when speaking about disability. For any students in Best Buddies and/or any students interested.

**Sign up for Kids Included Together (KIT) under Special Education- located in the LCR**

Portuguese/English Language Learners speaking social hour

Every Wednesday in Room 204 with Ms. Sampaio and Ms. Germani

** Sign up for Ms. Sampaio and Ms. Germani will be blocked on Wednesdays.

Chess Club with Mr. McCarthy

Every Friday in Room 419. Come ready to play and learn the game of chess.

** Sign up for Chess Club with Mr. McCarthy under English.

Community Arts Project

Every Thursday, learn about the different ways you can celebrate diversity in our community. Any and all artists, sculptors, researchers, and writers are welcome.

**Sign up for Ms. Shoquist in room 326


You will get to choose: Nature​ ​Walk​ ​/​ PE​ ​Unit​ ​Game​ ​/​ ​Fitness​ ​Room​ /​ Other-​ ​PE​ ​and​ ​Health​ ​Class​ ​Makeup,​ ​Yoga

– CPR with AED certificate renewals these next two Thursdays – 12/14​ ​and​ ​12/21

– Sophomores in this fall’s PE/Health are invited to meet with guests from Martha’s Vineyard Family Planning for health services information and support on 12/19​ ​during​ ​Flex.

***Sign-up for Ms. Perrotta for gym during flex ** See Ms. Perrotta if interested in either/both of the above, or if you have questions. To attend any of the above, simply sign up for PE

Make your Senior Square for Yearbook during Flex Block!

ANY FLEX BLOCK Tuesday – Friday through the month of February. Students can expect to spend about 2 Flex Block periods on making their square!

** Sign up for Ms. Todd in room 404

DECA- Business Club

Flex Block Thursday through early January. Business club members will be preparing for the District Competition.

** Sign up for Mr. Jakusik

Peer​ ​Tutoring​ ​in​ ​Room​ ​203​ ​with​ ​Mr.​ ​Lavers​ ​TUESDAY​ ​through​ ​FRIDAY

Peer Tutoring with Mr. Lavers will be in Room 203 during FLEX time. Mr. Bonneau will be in Room 113.

**Sign up as usual for Mr. Lavers, but note the change in room**

Meditative​ ​Coloring-​ ​December​ ​13th​ ​and​ ​20th.

Meditative Coloring is a great way to destress and relax. There will be a five minute introduction to the activity, a five minute time frame to pick a design then the rest of the period is used to work on your design. It is intended to be relaxing so there will be soft music playing in the background and students participating are expected to work silently.

**Sign up for Mrs. DeOliveira in room 115**

Tribal Youth Meeting

Weekly Tribal Youth Meeting with Tribal Leaders in the ACR.

**Sign up for Tribal Youth Meeting under Assistant Principal**

Moroccan​ ​Library​ ​Project​ ​Presentation

Meet Carolina Cooney, on Friday, December 15th, who recently returned from a trip to Morocco where she is working with the Morocco Library Project.

**Sign up for Social Studies/Morocco Library Presentation**