MVRHS Updates

Dear MVRHS Community,

This summer, we have been hard at work transitioning student data into our new platform, PowerSchool.  PowerSchool is a highly regarded student information system that a huge number of schools use around the country, including the elementary schools here on the island.  We are moving to PowerSchool to further improve communication, and have easy access to information that can help us better serve students and families. We are excited, but it has been a lot of work!

We are about a week behind schedule, and we appreciate your patience as we get all of the students’ schedules into our NEW PORTAL and available online through PowerSchool.  We hope to do this in the next day or so.

You will soon receive an email with instructions to create a PowerSchool account.  Once you do this, you will be able to access your child’s information online, including his/her schedule for the 2018-19 school year.  As I mentioned in a previous email, you can also get a hard copy of the schedule at the school between 8-1 Monday-Thursday.

On Tuesday, August 21, we open the Scramble (see info below), which is a time when guidance counselors are available to change schedules, and address any gaps or errors.  

I will be sending out some additional updates, including welcoming new staff members and sharing information about the upcoming school year.  

Please read below for some important scheduling notes and opportunities.

Looking forward to seeing folks soon!  Enjoy the last few action-packed weeks of the summer.



Annual Student Registration/ Family ID

Please be sure to complete our annual registration on Family ID.  We have sent a separate email out via the portal with instructions and a link to the website.  It is very important that parents complete this for each of their children at the High School before August 30.  Feel free to call the high school with questions and speak with Jessica Estrella ( or Rebecca Claussen (  

Incoming Freshmen

If you have an incoming 9th grader, expect a welcome phone call from a current student.  Our students will be reaching out to answer questions and give families information about registration, the first few days of school and orientation.

Be on the lookout for a welcome letter and supply list by teachers. This information was sent out via school messenger.

Leadership Class

Current or aspiring school leaders should sign up for Leadership Class next year.  Mr. Houghton and Dr. Munn will each teach a section of Leadership Class in the fall and spring semesters, and students can take Leadership Class for more than one semester.  

Next year, Mr. Houghton’s class will work on planning events and be helping to facilitate student government initiatives.  Dr. Munn’s class will engage in project-based design work to contribute to our school programs, school culture, and to our community at large.

Come join us for a semester of exploring your leadership capacity!  All students (grades 9-12) are eligible, and you’ll have an opportunity do some amazing work to shape school and community programs and events with your unique student perspective.

Email Mr. Houghton or Dr. Munn with questions.  All students will have access to projects being done in both classes, so feel free to enroll in either section!  If you have not yet selected Leadership in your course selections, sign up for it during scramble week in August!

TA opportunities

TA officially means Teacher Assistant, but students may also help in various offices throughout the day.  If you are interested in being a TA this year and are in 11th and 12th grade, please sign up with your guidance counselor for the period you are free and then work with Mr. Light to get an assignment.  Not everyone is granted a TA slot–this depends on teacher interest/ availability and the available slots per period for office work. Jeremy Light ( will be heading up this work, so feel free to contact him with questions or specific requests.

Available TA positions include:

Work Study (Paid) / Mentorship (Unpaid)

Students may earn high school elective credit while they work if the position qualifies as an appropriate Work-Study or Mentorship placement. If you are interested, you will need to sign up with your guidance counselor and complete the appropriate paperwork available online or with Assistant Principal Barbara-jean Chauvin.  

Learning Center and Open Campus

Students may have ONE Learning Center (for seniors, ONE free block available for Open Campus) per semester.   Learning Centers will be assigned to classrooms, and students may not use their phones during this time. Seniors will be assigned a Free Block, and they can leave school THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR during this time.  So long as they return to school in a timely way, and remain in good standing academically and behaviorally, they do not to be on campus during this free block.

Important note:  Open Campus will not kick in until September 13th.  We need to get rosters and lists settled before it activates.  Similarly, Learning Centers will meet in the cafeteria during the first 8-10 days of school while rosters are settled.  

Peer Facilitator Training for students, August 29th

Students who applied and were chosen to participate in our Peer Facilitator Program will be trained on August 29th.  Please contact Amy Lilavois ( or Nell Coogan ( with any questions. Peer Facilitators are encouraged to take a Leadership Class or sign up to TA in the Restorative Office during the day.


The Scramble is coming!  Please check out your current schedule on the Portal.  If you want to switch a class, add a class, drop a class, please come in during scramble week to work with your guidance counselor August 21-August 24.

First few days of school

Flex block is at the beginning of the school day on Tuesday, Sept. 4th.  It will be at its normal time between the first and second blocks on Wed-Friday.

Learning Centers (including for seniors) will meet in the cafeteria the first several days of school while rosters are settled.

The Add/Drop period is the first 10 days of the semester.  Students have that time to change their schedule (drop or change a class) without penalty.  

Back to school information is now available online.