MVRHS SWEAR (Stand with Everyone Against Rape) Assembly January 10th

On Wednesday, January 10th, MVRHS juniors and seniors are invited to attend an assembly sponsored by the MVRHS chapter of SWEAR (Stand With Everyone Against Rape). SWEAR is a rape and sexual assault prevention and awareness program predominately led my males – with the idea in mind that gender based violence is not just a women’s issue, but a men’s issue as well. Following this assembly, freshman and sophomores have been invited to attend the SWEAR assembly with a slightly modified presentation. 

Following the educational portion of the assembly, Caleb Campbell a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and the 2nd player in West Point’s history to get drafted in the NFL will speak with our students..

Caleb will focus his message on the importance of taking care of oneself  through vulnerability, facing fears, committing to mental/emotional health and staying authentic. Only when we are connected to ourselves, can we truly become leaders and take care of others. When we take care of others, we can create an ecosystem of safety, inclusion and belonging for everyone in our community. This is always at the heart of our mission at MVRHS.

We will follow the assembly with activities geared towards active bystanderism and building community. Faculty members, MV Community Services CONNECT to End Violence counselors will be available throughout the day should students need additional support.

For parents/guardians who are interested in continuing this conversation at home, here are a few follow up questions you can ask your student to engage them in dialogue about this important topic:

If you have any questions, please email Amy Lilavois or Matt Malowski.