Eddie Rosado
Eddie is looking to expand his start-up company, Bluff Clothing. Inspired by Malcolm Gladwell’s Tipping Point, he is researching how ideas go “viral”, and how companies use these concepts to market their products.
Eddie is looking to expand his start-up company, Bluff Clothing. Inspired by Malcolm Gladwell’s Tipping Point, he is researching how ideas go “viral”, and how companies use these concepts to market their products.
Abe and Ava are designing and painting a mural in collaboration with Ava Thors, in a classroom at MVRHS. They are researching the process and politics of public art. Can art bring us together? How can art unify?
Alex is curating and editing a collection of original short stories, some written by him, and others submitted by friends and family. He plans to publish the collection by mid-May.
Emma is looking to expand her business. Call Emma’s Coffee Boat from your boat in the harbor, and you’ll have fresh food delivered, made to order. She is writing her business plan, building a commercial kitchen, and designing menus to be ready to go by Memorial Day weekend.
Anna would like to help kids on the Autism spectrum by learning about how advances in psychology can be applied to the special education curriculum. She is researching best practices for increasing opportunities for meaningful social interaction for students.
Ellie is researching how gender stereotypes affect students’ perceptions of teachers and administrators, and how gender plays a role in education in general.