Letter to MVRHS Community: Loss of High School Student

Dear MVRHS Families: 

I have some incredibly tragic news to share with you. One of our students, a junior, died tragically last night in a car accident. The high school staff has met to discuss how to best support our students and one another at this time.

Grief counselors from Hospice MV, island community counselors, and school counselors from across the Island schools are on hand for our students. Some of our students found out about this tragedy this morning upon their arrival at the high school, therefore, we wanted to communicate with you as soon as possible. We also want to share resources that we hope will be supportive when your students come home, and may need support in processing their grief today and in the days to come. Please refer to this attachment on ways to support your child through grief.

The school is not publicly sharing the name right now out of respect for the family.  

Our job now is to support students, staff and members of the community who are grieving. The way we do that is to continue to teach and follow a schedule as close to normal as possible while holding grace and space for our community to process and grieve. As always guidance is available if you would like to meet with a counselor to talk, or if you have questions.

More information on supports and alterations to our school schedule will be communicated as decisions are made.

If your student reaches out to you today while they are in school, please communicate to them that there are supports for them in the library, guidance offices, or the Student Affairs Office. However, we also understand that you may want to dismiss your child and allow them to be home today. Students may be excused from school with parent communication to the school.


Sara Dingledy

MVRHS Principal

Grief Resources and Supports

A sudden loss like this can have an effect on students. Sudden death is always painful to understand, and your child may show signs of stress. They may include on or more of, and not limited to, the following:

Where to send your student for support:

If your child is experiencing a mental health crisis or expressing thoughts of suicide, call 988 or take them to the MV Hospital Emergency Dept.