Interested in Community Service?

Students: Interested in doing some community service? Join the Student Volunteer Corps! Join the Student Volunteer Corps Google Classroom using the code ulowhk5.

Teachers needing help within the school will post service opportunities in the Google Classroom, along with dates and times. If you see something that interests you and want to help, just send the teacher an email. Teachers may ask for help during flex, and they can pull you into their flex at your request.  Other outside opportunities may be listed as well, and in those cases just contact whoever is listed in the announcement. Any volunteer work counts as service hours (including for NHS).  

As you do service work, you can easily keep track of your activities.  If you perform service hours and want to get a sign-off to verify completion, you can either write out on paper or send by email:

The organizer can either sign your piece of paper, or just respond back to your email that they verify the hours.  You can then keep a file with your hours, as you may want to list them if you apply for internships, jobs, scholarships, NHS, etc.  If you have any questions email Natalie Munn, on behalf of the Leadership Class.