Important Message from School Nurse

Dear MVRHS Families,

In case you were unaware, there has been a recent marked increase of influenza and RSV cases on the island and across the Commonwealth. If your child has cold or flu symptoms please initially test them for COVID-19 before they return to school and have them wear a mask while in the building. 

Also, please remember not to send your child to school with medication in their backpacks. Both over the counter and prescription medication should only be administered by the school nurse. If they need to take medication during the day for a cough/cold symptoms consider keeping them home from school.

In the case of febrile illness (fever), students should be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school. Students must be vomit/diarrhea free for 24 hours before returning to school. 

Flu and COVID-19 vaccines are available through your primary care provider.  

Please contact the school nurse if you have any questions or concerns.