Important Announcement

Dear MVRHS Community,

There has been an incident in the Town of Tisbury. Out of an abundance of caution, we have been requested to shelter in place. The school day will run as normal, but there will be no outside access to the building. As more information becomes available we will keep you informed.

Update 12:34 PM:

The care and custody of our children is paramount.  In consideration of the incident at a local Tisbury Bank this morning which led to our sheltering in place at all Island Schools, we will be conducting an alternate dismissal plan.  It is imperative that we place our children in your hands this afternoon. We will not be running buses this afternoon as we are unable to monitor bus stops.  We will have a police presence at our school during this alternate dismissal.

We request that you please pick up your child from school during the time frame of 1PM – 2:40PM this afternoon. No child will be dismissed without parent pick up. 

Pick-up will be at the front of the building ONLY. All students must remain on campus until they are picked up by a parent or guardian. This is for the safety of students. MVRHS administration will remain on campus until 2:40 pm or until all students have been picked up. Students who drove to school will need text permission from a parent/guardian to be able to drive off campus. Administration is working with students now to contact parents/guardians for permission. 

All after school activities have been cancelled. This includes the National Honor Society, all school sports, and any other school related activities. 

We are monitoring things closely and will be sending a message out tomorrow morning as to whether or not school will be held. 

Thank you for your cooperation, support, and assistance.

Update 10:06 AM:

To update, the incident did not occur on any school campus.  As a precaution, our schools are sheltering in place.  No one will be allowed in and out of our buildings. Our exterior doors remain locked and teaching continues.

We will update everyone as we know more.  Please understand that we will not be dismissing children or staff from our buildings at this time until we have assurances that the environment is safe.