Hunting Ground Film

Parents and/or Guardians:

In partnership with CONNECT to end violence, a program of Martha’s Vineyard Community Services, Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School is pleased to offer the opportunity for 12th grade students to participate in viewing the acclaimed documentary The Hunting Ground on Tuesday, March 8th. The film examines the prevalence of sexual assault on college campuses and explores individual stories of survivors. Students will be viewing an abbreviated 40-minute version of the documentary specifically tailored for high school students, followed with an opportunity to participate in guided discussions and processing.

Whether or not your child is attending college in the Fall, viewing this film will increase your child’s awareness of the issues surrounding sexual assault, resources available, how to be an active bystander, and address any questions they may have regarding this often difficult subject matter. Sexual assault is not a women’s issue nor is it a men’s issue, but a human issue. In addition to the one of the cast members of The Hunting Ground skyping in for a panel discussion, certain faculty, School Adjustment Counselors, Guidance Counselors, and Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Counselors will be working together to facilitate the programming and be present for students should they need to speak further to process the subject matter.

For more information on The Hunting Ground, please visit:

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns:

Amy Lilavois, MVRHS School Adjustment Counselor

508-693-1033 ext 291

Jennifer Neary, Program Director of CONNECT to end violence/MVCS

774-549-9667 ext 103

Thank you,

Amy and Jennifer