Family ID/Arbiter Sports Registration

Dear Parent/Guardians of MVRHS Students;

All students are required to complete/update their yearly school registration profile through FamilyID/Arbiter Sports before the first day of school.

MVRHS uses FamilyID/Arbiter Sports to gather medical, demographic, and contact information for ALL students. The initial information you enter will carry over into the next school year making it easy for annual updates and confirmation. Parents/Guardians are required yearly to review your student(s) data and make any changes and confirm.

Kindly Note: Parents/guardians who registered their student(s) last year are required to sign in to their account to review their stored data, make updated changes if necessary, answer a couple of newly added items and confirm.

Also, families with more than one student at the High School will only need one account to manage the registration for all their students.

How to log in or register with FamilyID:

  1. Click here to log in/ register
  2. If your child is an athlete or if your child is in 10th 11th, or 12th grade, you may already have an account. Click ‘Sign In’
  3. If you don’t have any, you will need to create a new account. Click ‘Get Started’
  4. Your email address will be your log in
  5. Create your own password
  6. Identify your school (Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School)
  7. There will be two clickable links
    • Student Registration – Demographics & Medical:  All parents must review or complete this important information that is provided to the school nurse. This includes emergency contact info, field trip permissions, and general contact information.
    • MVRHS Sports Registration: The parent of any student participating in a sport must complete Sports Registration to play.

Please contact 508-693-1033 x110 with any questions.