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Use this database for over 400,000 biographies covering literary figures, science, multicultural studies, business, entertainment, politics, sports, government, history, current events and the arts. Indexes all print volumes of the series.
Martha’s Vineyard African-American Heritage Trail (official site)
Lee, Denny. “Shifting Sands At a Historic Black Enclave.” New York Times (New York, NY), July 25, 2003.
Hunter, Charlayne. “More Negroes Vacation as Barriers Fall.” New York Times (New York, NY), September 7, 1970.
Tankard, Carrie, and Elaine Weintraub. “Innkeepers of Oak Bluffs: They Dared to Dream.” Vineyard Gazette [Edgartown, MA] 6 Oct. 2000: 1. Print.
Jones, Je’Lesia M. “Uncovering Island’s Black History.” Martha’s Vineyard Times [Vineyard Haven, MA] 4 Feb. 1993: 16. Print.
Good info about Shearer Cottage, among other topics.
Weintraub, Elaine. Lighting the Trail: The African-American Heritage of Martha’s Vineyard. Oak Bluffs, MA: African American Heritage Trail History Project, 2005.
> List of books and other info at the MVRHS Library
Enslavement on Martha’s Vineyard
Rebecca Amos (
Civil Rights Five
Civil Rights Five (
Fugitives from Enslavement on Martha’s Vineyard
Randall Burton (
Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 (Related Articles from Gale Virtual Reference Library)
Nancy Michael
Nancy Michael (
Emma Chambers Maitland
Emma Maitland ( Some interesting primary sources.
Welcome to the trail, Emma Maitland (MVTimes)
Boxing her way to equality and justice (Vineyard Gazette)
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King, Jr. (Biography in Context)
Isabelle Powell
Isabel & Adam Clayton Powell (
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. (Biography Research Center)
Isabel & Adam Clayton Powell (
A. Phillip Randolph
“A. Philip Randolph.” American Decades. Ed. Judith S. Baughman, et al. Detroit: Gale, 1998. Biography in Context. Web. 5 Oct. 2014.
Bayard Rustin

Bayard Rustin (Biography in Context)
Senator Edward Brooke
Senator Edward Brooke (
Edward William Brooke (Biography in Context)
Joseph “Joe” Overton /Overton House aka Villa Rosa
Villa Rosa – Overton Home (
Calmes, Jackie. “Revisiting Black History on Martha’s Vineyard.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 29 Aug. 2010. Web. 05 Oct. 2014.
Harry Belafonte
Harry Belafonte (Biography in Context)
Shearer Cottage
Shearer Cottage (
Shearer Cottage – Family Owned and Operated with Pride since 1903.
Joe Louis
Joe Louis (Biography in Context)
Harry Burleigh
Harry Thacker Burleigh (Biography in Context)
Cottagers Organization
Tankard Family
Carrie & George Tankard (
John Saunders and the Pulpit Rock
John Saunders (
Rebecca Martin / Eastville Cemetery
Eastville Cemetery (
William A. Martin
William Martin (
William Martin House ( captmartinanniversary
“Passed Their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary.” Vineyard Gazette [Edgartown, MA] 11 July 1907: 2. Microfilm.
(Thanks to Gabby Wilbur (MVRHS ’19) for locating this!)
Dorothy West, Harlem Renaissance Writer
Dorothy West (Biography in Context)
Dorothy West House (
Dorothy West (
Reverand Oscar Denniston / Bradley Memorial Church
Brannen, Peter. “Denniston House Demolition Blocked by Historic Commission.” The Vineyard Gazette. The Vineyard Gazette, 9 Dec. 2010. Web. 05 Oct. 2014.
Perry-Henry, Laurie. “Bradley Square :: NAACP of Martha’s Vineyard.” NAACP of Martha’s Vineyard. NAACP of Martha’s Vineyard, 10 July 2011. Web. 05 Oct. 2014.
Lee, Linsey. “Son of Pastor Recalls Bradley Church, and Era of Prejudice.”The Vineyard Gazette. N.p., 12 Feb. 2010. Web. 05 Oct. 2014.
Bradley Church (
Barber William H. Hammond
Barber Hammond (
Founders of the MVNAACP